Pre-insulated terminals
Elpress ring, fork and pin terminals are manufactured from high grade copper and receptacles from brass or tin-bronze.
All terminals are electrolytically tin plated to achieve good corrosion protection. The necks of the terminals are brazed and annealed to allow crimping in any direction around the neck. The metal in the receptacles neck is double folded for excellent mechanical strength and electrical conductivity.
Elpress insulation sleeves are moulded in polycarbonate which has excellent deformation characteristics and maintains its
vibration support up to high temperatures, well over 100° C. Caution must be taken at alkalic exposure. The colour of
the insulation sleeve relates to which cross section area the terminal accepts:
Ring terminals 0.1 - 6 mm²
- Data: Cu 99.95%, tin plated, brazed necks.
- PC sleeves have EasyEntry, PC and PA sleeves are halogen free.
Fork terminals 0.1 - 6 mm²
- Data: Cu 99.95%, tin plated, brazed necks.
- PC sleeves have EasyEntry, PC and PA sleeves are halogen free.
Receptacles 0.1 - 6 mm²
- Data: brass or tin bronze, tin plated, brazed necks.
- PC sleeves have EasyEntry, PC and PA sleeves are halogen free.