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LRGBJ Series – up to 550kV

Specifications and Performance

  1. Rated primary voltage: up to 550kV
  2. Rated primary current: 5-2500A
  3. Rated secondary current: 5A, 1A
  4. Rated output 10-50VA
  5. Metering accuracy class: 0.2S, 0.2, 0.5S and 0.5 class
  6. Accuracy limit factor 5,10, 15, 20, 30, 40
  7. Protection accuracy class: 5P, 10P and TPY (additional classes on demand)
  8. Secondary cores: 1-8

LRGBJ series Current Transformers

Accuracy Class 0.2S, 0.2, 0.5S, 0.5 or 5P, 10P, TPY
(for more specific need, please contact us)
Rated Current 5~2500 A (For higher currents see our ZHD series. For very low ratios see our specific series under shunt capacitor bank applications)
Ambient Temperature -50 C to *45 C
Insulation Level (kV) 550 kV rated :680/1175/1550
252 kV rated: 460/1050/1200
126 kV rated: 230/550/630
Partial Discharge Level <5 pC
550 kV rated: <10 pC


All products comply with IEC-61869-2,  IEEE C57.13 and  CAN/CSA-C61869-2 standards. Protective class current transformers comply with IEC-60044 - 6: 1992 "Requirements for Protective Current Transformers for Transient Performance"


No maintenance is needed for our Current Transformers.
Option: Built-in insulation condition monitoring is offered as an option for continuous online monitoring of the equipment.
Reminder: for electrical safety reasons, secondary circuits should not be opened during operation of any Current Transformer.

Inquiry Check List

When placing an order, customer's specification needs to include:

Reference Standard
Rated voltage
Rated current
Rated frequency
Rated transformation ratio
Number of secondary windings
Rated output
Accuracy class(es)
Accuracy limit factor
Instrument security factor
Environmental Conditions
(Altitude, Pollution Class)

If users have specific requirements, custom designs can be jointly defined in advance and products will be designed according to customer's specification.

Dimensions - for further details please see the specification sheet in Downloads
The following dimensions represent typical LRGBJ Current Transformers. However, we custom design for most voltages or operating conditions encountered on T&D grids around the world.

Please contact us for special needs.

Model and Specification Highest
voltage for
equipment (kV)
Rated Current
LRGBJ – 40.5 / 1000 40.5 800~1000 686 370 1015 1015 90/198
LRGBJ – 40.5 / 2500 40.5 2000~2500 686 370 1060 1015 90/198
LRGBJ – 126 / 1200 126 1200 750 385 1785 3200 240/529
LRGBJ – 126 / 2500 126 2000~2500 750 385 1830 3200 240/529
LRGBJ – 252 / 1200 252 1200 1052 552 2670 6300 440/970
LRGBJ – 252 / 2500 252 2000~2500 1052 552 2740 6300 440/970
LRGBJ – 550 / 2500 TPY 550 2500 1520 855 5850 13750 3000/6614

Download RHM_Current-Transformers_HV-DryShield

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