The VACUTAP® VR® type family offers a real alternative to the on-load tap-changers from our extensive OILTAP® R/RM and M program.
The VACUTAP® VR® is the world’s first on-load tap-changer which is maintenance-free up to 300,000 switching operations. Since its maintenance is no time-dependent, your transformer has much less downtime.
In addition, you take advantage of the many possible applications of the VACUTAP® VR®. It is the first choice for auto transformers, HVDC transformers and many other applications.
Technical Data
Max. rated through-current single-phase
1,300 A or 2,600 A*
Max. rated through-current three-phase
1,300 A
Max. rated step voltage
6,000 V**
Max. rated step capacity single-phase
6.000 kVA or 12.000 kVA**
Max. rated step capacity three-phase
6.000 kVA
Highest voltage for equipment Um:
72,5 – 420 kV
Application at neutral point (three-phase) or at any selectable winding position
Operating positions without change-over selector
18 max.
Operating positions with change-over selector 35 max.
35 max.
For more details please see our technical data.
* Forced current splitting by two parallel winding branches required.