Previous “HAMMEL” Shredder machine type VB850Ex2 and NZS700Ex2 at APK GREEN ENEGY CO., LTD.
HAMMEL Recyclingtechnik GmbH (HAMMEL) is a German Company. The company manufactures and supplies Recycling, Shredding Machine such as Primary Shredder, Secondary Shredder, Screening and Complete Processing Plant.
APK GREEN ENEGY CO., LTD is a biomass power plant manufacturer by waste wood (stem or parawood). APK has decided to order and installed “HAMMEL” Primary shredder type VB850Ex2 and Secondary Shredder NZS700Ex2 for preparation of wood chip to their production.
The project was started in August 2012 and completely finished in July 2013 at APK GREEN ENEGY CO., LTD. Songkhla province.